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You are the problem,

You are the solution.


For over a decade Anthony Minaya has helped thousands of people become the best version of themselves by understanding and addressing the root cause to problems of the mind. Often on this show you will hear the quote “we see the world as we are” simply put - this is a podcast about the understanding of oneself. Follow along with a “fresh mind” as Anthony goes deep into the process of change, passion, clarity, love, purpose, awareness, personal responsibility, perspective, and truth. New episode drops every Friday. Listen now!


Anthony Minaya.

Quick back story 

For more than a decade Anthony Minaya has dedicated his life to the understanding of oneself.

Born and raised in the Bronx New York, Anthony knows what it means to live in psychological conflict, fear, confusion, and struggle. Growing up with deep levels of insecurity, anxiety, and feelings of meaninglessness,  this has made him passionately curious in wanting to understand the truth behind it all. Since then Anthony Minaya used his deep interest in the human mind to build businesses, help thousands of people online, speak at events, and personally coach hundreds of people to become more aware, clear, and see the root cause behind the problems in the mind.

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